Traction in action
Hal McRae : Kansas City Royals
If there’s a game that calls for traction, it’s baseball. That’s why most major league teams are wearing the adidas MVP shoe.
Its special nylon sole is injection molded, providing a really strong bond between sole and upper. The MVP’s Richardson hardcast steel cleats are easily replaced as they are riveted, not molded-in.
In contrast to molded-in cleats, the MVP cleats will remain anchored to the sole and cannot become dislodged no matter what climatic conditions prevail or what physical stress is exerted.
This, in turn, ensures added comfort as play-free cleats eliminate much of the friction inside the shoe … the cause of cleat pressure and soreness. Special padding for protection of the heel and Achilles tendon further contributes to the overall comfort of MVP, and also safeguards against the relatively high risk of injury in baseball.
The all-sports people
sauce: adidas 1977