NIKE LDV & Elite running shoes “TWO FOR THE ROAD.”

NIKE LDV & Elite running shoes


The LDV and the Elite. For training. For racing. And better mileage and maximum performance on the road.

If you want the right training shoe, you wear LDV. Simple as that. They’re light but tough. Nylon mesh uppers. Waffle soles for super traction and strong stability.

Tough to beat.

Ditto for the Elite. Slip lasted for a scant 196 grams. Gives you an open toe box for blister free competition. Cool. Comfortable. With a racing Waffle shoe. And they fit like sox.

NIKE LDV & Elite running shoes

These two shoes were especially designed to work together. For training now.

And racing later.

The LDV and Elite.
The two and only.

NIKE LDV & Elite running shoes

Beaverton, Oregon

sauce: Nike 1979

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