A. Roadrunning, Deschutes River, Oregon.
B. “Battle of Atlanta” the Peachtree 1978.
C. Rono.
D. Finish, N.Y.C. Marathon 1978.
You can have any of these big, (22″x36″) full-color posters for only $2.50 apiece.
They’re made from pictures of real athletes caught in the act of being themselves.
And the money goes for a good cause. We’re donating the profits to the people and organizations that will best serve the interest of giving equal treatment for women athletes in the Olympics.
Simply put, we want to help convince the IOC to allow women to run the 3K, 5K, 10K, and marathon in the Olympic games.
The money will only be given to those dedicated to the runner’s cause. It will be used wisely for athlete travel to some of the key foreign countries that remain unconvinced. For speaking tours and anything else that’s necessary to persuade the IOC to give fair treatment to women.
We’re putting up $5000 right away, and will donate any profits from the sale of these posters beyond this amount.
Send for one or more of these posters, and join our Operation Bootstrap: Athletes helping athletes.
If you don’t help, who will?
sauce: Nor-Cal Running Review Summer 1979