Thom McAn NBPA basketball shoes “The shoes the pros designed.”

Thom McAn NBPA basketball shoes "The shoes the pros designed."

The shoes the pros designed.

Thom McAn NBPA basketball shoes "The shoes the pros designed."

John Havlicek
Elvin Hayes
Gail Goodrich
Bob McAdoo
Earl Monroe
Rick Barry

NBPA Basketball Shoes.

Thom McAn NBPA basketball shoes "The shoes the pros designed."

Pro-designed with a shock-absorbing cushioned innersole.

Pro-designed loose lining to prevent friction.

Pro-designed to grip and go on positive- action outersoles.

Pro-designed for lightness and speed.

Pro-designed with a reinforced toe guard for rugged action.

Look for the official NBPA pro seal. At Thom McAn.

Thom McAn

The above players are members of the National Basketball Players Association.

sauce: Thom McAn 1975

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