JCPenney shoes “Quick! Which one is the $30 shoe?”

JCPenney shoes

Quick! Which one is the $30 shoe?

None of them. They’re all USA Olympics. And they’re all under $20. With all the style, selection and attention to detail you thought you had to pay more for. Surprised that shoes that look this great cost so little? Wait until you see how well they’re made. In styles for the whole family. Only at JCPenney.

JCPenney shoes

Men’s and boy’s jogger $18
Men’s and boy’s nylon/suede basketball style oxford, $18
Canvas basketball shoes, Men’s, 15.99 Boy’s, 14.99

Men’s, Women’s tennis, $16
Women’s jogging shoe, $18
Men’s, Women’s lightweight athletic oxford, $18

JCPenney shoes

JCPenney, you’re my kind of shoe store.

sauce: JCPenney 1981

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