Etonic KM running shoes “Heel strike happens 1600 times each mile. Our unique heel/arch support gives a new kind of cushioning and protection.”

Etonic KM running shoes

Rated among top shoes for men and women by Runner’s World.

Heel strike happens 1600 times each mile. Our unique heel/arch support gives a new kind of cushioning and protection.

Etonic KM running shoes

Too many runners’ injuries are the result of the constant pounding of heels on hard surfaces. Cushioned soles can only protect so much. What the healthy runner needs is the protection built into Etonic® running shoes. It’s called the Dr. Rob Roy McGregor one-piece heel/arch support.

Etonic KM running shoes

In the words of its designer, Dr. Rob Roy McGregor, “it’s designed to cradle the heel by pushing nature’s pad­ ding under the heel, where it will do the most good, plus, absorb and transmit the complex forces of heel strike by giving support and/or flexibility when needed.”

Etonic KM running shoes

Etonic running shoes have been designed for comfort, protection and support. We believe they’re the most protective running shoes on the market. Available in lightweight nylon and suede. From the Charles A. Eaton Company, makers of Etonic golf shoes and world class Fred Perry® tennis shoes.

Dr. Rob Roy McGregor is Staff Podiatrist with Sports Medicine Resource, Inc. and founder of New England Deaconess Hospital Runner’s Clinic. As a marathon runner himself, he knows the thrills and pains of the sport, and understands the intricate roles played by both the foot and the shoe. His experience is reflect­ed in the fine features of Etonic® Running Shoes.

Km-501 for men, Km-701 for women,
Street Fighter Km-505 for men, Km-705 for women.

Etonic KM running shoes

Running Shoes by Eaton

NorCal Running Review May-June 1978

sauce: NorCal Running Review May-June 1978

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