adidas Vienna, Americana “Please, Dad – all the guys are wearing adidas…”

adidas Vienna, Americana "Please, Dad - all the guys are wearing adidas..."

Please, Dad –
all the guys
are wearing

adidas Vienna, Americana "Please, Dad - all the guys are wearing adidas..."

See the next dealer and ask for:

adidas Vienna
A popular light camp shoe made of white split oxhide leather with 3 red stripes, orthopedic arch support, raised heel wedge and padded uppers,A long-wearing adidas outsole with star-shaped tread design. Rupper toe cap for extra protection.

adidas Americana
You must have this fabulous new shoe, trimmed in the national colours, official shoe of the ABA Ventilated nylon uppers – washable! Amazingly low price for a shoe of this quality.



With the distinctive HEEL PATCH


Boys' Life December 1971

sauce: Boys’ Life December 1971

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