adidas SL76 training shoes “Traction in action”

adidas SL76 training shoes

Traction in action

adidas SL76 training shoes

Olympic Gold medallist
Ann Brightwell says:

“When it comes to traction, the SL76 training shoe takes a lot of beating. But that alone doesn’t make for an all-time great like SL76. Its new stabilizing flared heel, thickened and grooved longitudinal wedge, softened midsole and revolutionary profile ensure a hitherto unattained degree of cushioning. The SL76 also produces a remarkable springboard effect, throwing you into longer strides – leading to more tireless running and a unique sensation of weightlessness.” (Ann is wearing the popular adidas ST1 rain suit.)

adidas SL76 training shoes

The all-sports people

sauce: adidas 1977

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